iPhone Se 16Gb Un Año de Uso Impecable

iPhone 7 12 visitas ID: 912245
7500.00 $

Publicado en 2019/11/13


The exterior design of the iPhone SE is nearly identical to that of the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5S, with the exception of matte-chamfered edges and an inset stainless steel rear Apple logo. Cases designed to fit the 5 and the 5S will also fit an iPhone SE.[31] The iPhone SE was available in the colors Space Gray, Silver, Gold, and Rose Gold.[32] ColorNameFront Space GrayBlack SilverWhite GoldWhite Rose GoldWhite HardwareEdit The iPhone SE incorporates the Apple A9 system-on-chip (SoC) with an M9 motion coprocessor and supports near field communication for Apple Pay. It was originally released with 16 GB or 64 GB of internal storage. It features a 12 megapixel rear-facing camera wi...


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